What We Treat

“As an electrician controls electric currents, so an osteopath controls life currents and revives suspended forces.” A. T. Still        

Tension headaches caused by poor posture, stress and muscle strain are the most frequent headaches experienced. Cervicogenic, or the common headache, results from dysfunction in the neck; others of us suffer from migraines or cluster headaches.

Osteopathy can be effective in the management of headaches.

Many of us at some point experience back pain. This can range from being a niggle to immobilising, depending on its origin. The reasons for neck, upper or lower back pain can vary. Sometimes, we can wake from a deep night’s sleep, with an uncomfortable ‘crook’ in our neck. Other times our back and hips just ache after manual activity, such as chopping wood or gardening. Many of us spend our days in sustained posture, and this, in conjunction with poor postural habits, challenges our body.

During pregnancy your body will experience physiological and postural changes as it accommodates your growing baby. A mother’s centre of gravity moves forward as her baby grows. This increases the curvature of her lumbar spine, leading to lower back pain and tension through the upper back and neck. It is not uncommon to feel discomfort through the pelvic area because of the position and weight of the baby alongside the changes in laxity of the ligaments in this area.

A post- delivery check can be beneficial particularly if the labour has been long and difficult, delivery has been assisted with forceps or ventouse, or by caesarean.

Colic, reflux, constipation, digestive issues, disrupted sleep are all conditions frequently treated in adjunct to dietary or other advice.

Children frequently tumble and fall, get hit by balls or sporting equipment. We and /or our family, can be involved in motor vehicle or sporting accidents. Fortunately, ACC makes treatment more accessible, with co-payment.

Health is inherent within our bodies when the structure and function of the body are in balance. Restrictions and tensions of the thoracic cage and spine will impair breathing mechanics, leading to poor oxygen exchange and impairment to drainage from the lungs, making it difficult to resolve infections.