Breathe away the stress with segmented breathing

Breathe away the stress with segmented breathing

This 4 -part breath is both relaxing and energising. It clears the mind and reduces stress and anxiety.

The Practice:

  • Sit in a position where you are comfortable and straight.
  • INHALE, segment the breath into 4 equal sniffs through the nose, filling the lungs completely on the 4th.
  • EXHALE, releasing the breath in 4 equal parts, fully emptying the lungs on the 4th.
  • The length of inhalation and exhalation must be equal.

Repeat this sequence.

  • Focus your gaze at the third eye, with eyes closed.
  • Mentally say the mantra “Sa Ta Na Ma”
  • Sa on the 1st sniff, Ta on the 2nd, Na on the 3rd and Ma on the 4th.
  • Use the Guyan mudra, the pads of the index finger and thumb touching, rest the arms on the thighs.
  • Continue this breath for 3 minutes, and as able to, increase to 11 minutes.


Set yourself the goal of time in your day to do the practice.